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en:aktuelles [2024-01-05 09:12] Thomas Thielen:aktuelles [2024-10-28 15:03] (current) – [2024-10-23: Unclean printing on Feder] Finn Koller
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 Here you will find recent Information and Service Indications for our infrastructure. If you are interested to receive these informations via email, please subscribe to [[|]]. We are using this list to announce technical issues, maintenance windows and the results of these proceedings.\\ Here you will find recent Information and Service Indications for our infrastructure. If you are interested to receive these informations via email, please subscribe to [[|]]. We are using this list to announce technical issues, maintenance windows and the results of these proceedings.\\
 +===== 2024-10-23: Unclean printing on Feder =====
 +<html><div class="tpl_update">Feder prints cleanly again</div></html>\\
 +<del>The printer "Feder" isn't printing cleanly at the moment, we are currently awaiting delivery of a required replacement part.</del>
 +===== 2024-08-06: Feder out of order =====
 +<html><div class="tpl_update">Feder is working again.</div></html>\\
 +<del> Printing with Feder is not possible at the moment. We're working on a solution. </del>\\
 +===== 2024-07-31: Feder A4 printing only =====
 +<del> Printing is only possible through Tray 5 (on the side). Thus A3 prints are not available at the moment.</del> //
 +<html><div class="tpl_update">Feder is working again.</div></html> //
 +===== 2024-06-12: Eduroam-CS available again =====
 +<del>Currently, WLAN authentication in "Eduroam-CS" is distrupted due to a hardware problem in the proxy machine user. We're working on a fix.</del>\\
 +<html><div class="tpl_update">eduroam-cs is working again.</div></html>
 +===== 2024-05-22: Plotter service was unavailable =====
 +<del>Due to some hardware issues plotting services are unavailable at the moment. We apologize for any inconveniences.</del>\\
 +<html><div class="tpl_update">Plotting services are available again.</div></html>
 +===== 2024-05-08: New WiFi Configuration Profiles for Apple devices =====
 +If you are a user of Apple devices, you can utilize our new [[en:wifistd#macosios|Configuration profiles]]. If you experiencesd connectivity problems in the last weeks, these new profiles should solve your problems.\\
 \\ \\
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 The VPN service is *not* affected by these changes.\\ The VPN service is *not* affected by these changes.\\
 \\ \\
-=====2023-07-14: Configuration change also for "eduroam-cs"===== 
-The [[|configuration change/re-installation of Eduroam for members of Bonn University]] is also necessary for the Eduroam branch in our building (eduroam-cs). The updated configuration parameters are [[en:eduroam|available on our Web page]]. 
-According to HRZ, a connection with the old parameters **won't be possible after July 15th, 2023**. 
-If you have an Informatics/B-IT account issued by us, you can (and should preferably) use the network _802.1X_ in our building. [[en:wifistd|Here are the usage instructions.]]\\ 
-===== 2023-07-10: Student printer (feder) malfunctioning ===== 
-**Update:** The parts have been changed. 
-The student printer in U1.040 (feder) is malfunctioning. We already identified the problem and replacement parts have been ordered. They shall arrive by 12th July 2023. Until then we ask for your patience.\\ 
-===== 2023-02-02: Wifi services unavailable ===== 
-**UPDATE (09:40h) : all wifi services are fully restored by now.** 
-We are currently experiencing a total loss of WiFi authentication 
-inside the whole building of the Computer Science Dept. and the B-IT due 
-to a failure of a central component.  
-We are already working on a solution to the problem. Unfortunately we 
-cannot predict how long these repairs will take. Due to the nature of 
-the problem, it could be a longer process. 
-Other services are not affected by the disruption.\\ 
-===== 2023-01-30: New transponder forms ===== 
-There are new versions (V9) of all transponder forms available (German only). If you have saved the forms locally, please replace them with the current versions. You can find those as usual on our homepage:  [[ de:transponder | Transponder ]]\\ 
-===== 2022-09-19: Poster printouts unavailable at the moment ===== 
-We are unable to print your posters at the moment due to defective hardware in our poster plotter. Please utilize the similar service from the  [[|University IT and Data Center]].\\ 
-**Update (2022-10-05):** the plotter has been repaired, we resumed to provide our plotting services.\\ 
-===== 2022-09-15: Availability of Pool PCs during nighttime ===== 
-In order to reduce power consumption, the publicly accessible Pool PCs are automatically shut down over night, from 8 p.m. CEST to 8 a.m. CEST.\\ 
-More information can be found on the [[|Pool remote access page]]. 
-===== 2022-07-19: WiFi Certificate about to expire, replacement imminent =====   
-**UPDATE 2022-07-25:** the certificate was successfully replaced. 
-As the current certificate used for our wifi authentication services is about to  
-expire, we will be updating to a new certificate soon. Your operating system could  
-be set up to notify you about this for security reasons. If this happens, you can  
-safely accept the new certificate and make sure it is the right one by comparing  
-the certificate fingerprints to the ones issued on our [[en:wifistd|wifi documentation]] page. 
-===== 2022-07-15: E-Mail service computer science & b-it unavailable =====   
-**Update: The e-mail-service is restored.**\\ 
-The email addresses @informatik, @cs and @bit are affected. The problem is being worked on. 
-===== 2022-04-05: Authentication Problems with Matrix Service =====   
-After the last Update of the matrix Service, some users may have experienced problems logging into out matrix service. This problem is now fixed. Existing sessions were not affected by this problem.\\ 
-===== 2022-03-03: new Chat-Function on GSG-Supportpages =====   
-As we are trying to further accomodate incoming support requests especially from students, we added a new chat function to this page to give you an opportunity to request aid directly from us without the need for a physical helpdesk. If this service is maintainable, we will try to implement it into other central services (like i.e. WUMI).   
-If you want to use the chat, just click on the blue bar on the bottom right part of the page footer.\\ 
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